fredag 28. september 2012

Predestined (Existence Triology#2) by Abbi Glines

You would think after helping save her boyfriend from an eternity in Hell that things would go back to normal. Well, as normal as life can be when you can see souls and your boyfriend is Death. But for Pagan Moore, things are just getting weirder. 

The high school quarterback and reigning heartthrob, Leif Montgomery, is missing. While the town is in a frenzy of worry, Pagan is a nervous wreck for other reasons. Apparently good ‘ol Leif isn’t your average teenage boy. He isn’t even human. According to Death, Leif doesn’t have a soul. The quarterback may have skipped town but he’s still showing up in Pagan’s dreams... uninvited. 

Dank has known from the beginning Leif wasn’t human. But he hadn’t worried about a simple soulless creature. Now, he realizes he made a grave mistake. Pagan’s soul has been marked since birth as a restitution, to a spirit so dark not even Death walks near it. Dank knows saving Pagan’s soul won’t be easy but Pagan is his. And he’s already proven he’ll defy Heaven to keep her. If Hell wants a piece of him too, then bring it on.

Source: Goodreads

Published March 29th 2012
Predestined (Existence Trilogy, #2)

I enjoyed reading this book. I was really sad reading chapter 11, couldn't believe that happened. I think this one is better than the first one. 
I used to love Leif in the first half of the book, but not i just don't like him anymore, I think he's a coward person for not standing up to his father. The ending was shocking, and it's one of those endings that makes you want to read the next book. I can't wait till the next book comes out in stores! I give it 4,5 stars!!
                                                                                                               WTYL, -The Reviewers

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