onsdag 19. september 2012

Any Love But Mine by Debbie Davies

Look but don't touch has never been more true...

The gods forbade her to love, but love is a powerful force. Acacia has been created purely for Eros' pleasure but discovers within moments of being summoned into his presence that he has no interest in her whatsoever. Rejected, she is banished to Earth to serve as Eros' minion with the task of promoting the blissful state of love among all those around her, a state she must never indulge in with a human being herself on pain of immediate destruction. And then comes Josh, someone whose power of attraction over Acacia is so intense she will find it utterly impossible to resist him. But is he human? Is he a god? Or is he a trick of the gods? And what would happen should they kiss?

Source: Goodreads

Published March 3rd 2012 by Night Publishing

I enjoyed this book so much! I loved the storyline, the characters and the fact that it's greek mythology related! I liked Allana's characterbecause she's so caring and loving towards Cacia. Halfway through the book there were things happening that caught me by surprise. At first i didn't really like it, but towards the ending, i loved the book even more! The ending wasn't sad nor was it happy. I hope the author writes a sequel. I give it 5 stars!!
WTYL, -The Reviewers

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