torsdag 26. juli 2012

I Am Alive by Cameron Jace

Seventeen-year-old Decca Tenderstone feels captivated when she meets gorgeous and reckless Leo, who is arrogant, silent, beautiful, and shoots almost every one he meets.

the usual boring girl meets badboy story ... hmm ... with a twist ...

They live in a dystopian future in Los Angeles where every seventeen-year-old is ranked on a scale from one to ten to determine their future. Outranks, who are considered a danger to society, are forced to attend the Monster Show, a brutal sacrificing ritual that is broadcasted worldwide on live TV, where rebellious teens are labelled Bad Kidz or Monsters and get to fight for their lives in deadly games.

The prove that you're still alive you have to scream I Am Alive every six hours. Lower your voice, and your dead.

Decca doesn't need Leo's company. She has a secret of her own. While they both can't stand each other, she will find out why she doesn't fit into any rank.

Nothing will stand in her way as she has to makes choices concerning love, life, staying alive, growing up, and finding out who she really is.

Source: Goodreads

Published June 2012 by Akmal Eldin Farouk Ali Shebl

I Am Alive (  I Am Alive #1 )

This was a very good book for me. It really kept  me wanting to read more in each chapter. I read this book for a short amount of time, cause i just couldn't put it down! If your looking for a book similar to the hunger games, this is a good one. I liked Deccas character a lot. The storyline was fascinating. There were sad moments along the way, and the ending was shocking! This book is definately on my favorite list now! I can't wait to the sequel! I give it 4,5 stars!
                                                                                           WTYL, -The Reviewers

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