torsdag 26. juli 2012

His Kiss by Melanie Marks

Ally’s world was totally on track: the right boyfriend, the right school committees, the right plans. But then she kisses the school “bad boy.” And now nothing is right. Nothing! Because all she can think about is … His Kiss.
Source: Goodreads

Published November 3rd 2011 by ThunderStruck Publishing
His Kiss

This book was funnr and romantic, i liked it alot! If your looking for a quick but good romance book, this is a good one. I liked Griffin and Ally's chemistry. Griffin was so sweet and kind to Ally. He really did "see" her. I liked the ending, because it was happy but not over the top. I give it 4,5 stars!
                                                                                          WTYL, -The Reviewers

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